Hiddenyou’s Blog

Always work/handle with your own camera.

Posted on: December 24, 2010

What a dilemma explaining this to the average person.
I was at party shooting the night away, capturing the magic and moments that were. But after 5 hours, my battery finally gave out. So, thinking I had shot enough, someone asked to please shoot some more with their DSLR. The deal was that she would let me download the pictures with the condition I would also load them to her laptop since the camera was given to her as present and she didn’t know squat about it, let alone download pictures. I agreed.

The next day, we set up and I begin to download the pictures onto her laptop. But to our surprise, nothing was coming up but little white blank squares. She looked at me and I looked at her. She was like, “where are the pictures?” Well, apparently someone had set the her Nikon camera to shoot in RAW. Her laptop of course didn’t have the program to read/convert them to be seen and my program was in my PC back at home. It took me 20 minutes to try to explain what possibly happened and the differences between RAW and JPEG to this kind lady and that I could fix it. Well, I put the RAW files in my thumb drive and the very next day, emailed her the shots. Everybody happy and I learned a new lesson.

Wish I had this video handy.

Shooting in RAW versus JPEG

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  • None
  • Asma: wonderful share thanks it will help me with photoshop
  • Gina: It's disgusting. I won't even watch the video... I'd likely be scarred. She should be tracked down and prosecuted. Make an example of her. She loo
  • Shari: So pretty and inspirational! I LOVE the idea of living and dreaming in color - sometimes that vibrancy can truly light up the world :-)
